MENAGE Day 5: Thanks for playing!
03 April 2009
Hey everyone. Thanks so much for yet another great Book Menage. I thoroughly enjoyed this outing, even if I didn't wholeheartedly love both the books. And I found that interesting too: I've definitely had to re-evaluate Dangerous Laughter based on your comments!
My question today is twofold, and mostly on process: How did you like this five days, five different questions format? Or did you prefer the good old days when there was one post and one massive comments section?
And, the all-important matter of: What should we read next? I'm still wanting to pair Tom Bissell's memoir The Father of All Things (I'm cheating; I've already read and reviewed this book) with Doris Lessing's memoir/novel Alfred and Emily, but I'm flexible. Would you like to make some suggestions? Please list any book pairings you'd be interested in, and sometime next week we'll take a vote and I'll announce the winner of the next Menage's books.
Thanks again. This was awesome! And have a great weekend.