Oh, I'm reading for fun, all right.
Free-ranging, all right, and very funny.

Now THIS is reading for fun.

A big shout-out and thank you to Bookie, for pointing me to the Guardian's Digested Read* of Jodi Picoult's Handle with Care, which is, quite frankly, the most brilliant thing I've read all week. I'm pretty sure this John Crace guy isn't making as much money as Jodi Picoult is, which is yet further proof, if you needed any, that this world is unfair.

Also a big hello and thank you to RickLibrarian, who posted a very nice review of my new book The Inside Scoop: A Guide to Nonfiction Investigative Writing and Exposes at his blog. Thanks, Rick! And, for all you readers of biographies, please note that Rick's reading guide, titled Real Lives Revealed: A Guide to Reading Interests in Biography, is going to come out this summer. I myself can't wait to see it!

*"I called you Willow. Though it's the readers who would be Weeping by the end." This is the sort of thing that makes me wish I lived in Great Britain and had access to the print versions of British newspapers. I'd totally subscribe to one of those. My suck-ass local paper? Not so much.
