23 September 2009
I'm still percolating on Nick Reding's investigative book Methland: The Death and Life of an American Small Town, so I thought I'd interrupt normally scheduled programming for just a moment to point out a small change to Citizen Reader.
In the sidebar, if you scroll down a bit, it is now possible to search Citizen Reader! It's a search run through Google, which makes me really unhappy, but it's the only way I can figure out to add a "search" box (at least, it's the only way I can find listed in the Typepad help files, and which was simple enough for me to understand*) to the blog. So, wondering if we've talked about certain titles? Feel free to plug a couple words from the title into that bad boy search box and go crazy!
I'm also updating the links along the right side, so if you know of any great reading blogs that you read regularly, please consider letting me know what they are so I can add them here. I also won't turn down fun site recommendations, a la Overheard in the Office, where people submit the idiotic things they overhear at work.**
*Does anyone know how to add a non-Google search box to a Typepad blog? Please do consider doing your good deed for the year and letting me know how you did it at [email protected]. Thanks!
**It's like going to work without leaving the comfort of my own home!