Book Menage Day 4: The Wrap-up.
03 December 2009
Welcome to Day 4 of our Book Menage! I just want to take a moment and thank everyone who has popped into the comments so far; I have found this to be a particularly fascinating discussion and I'm rather glad we went with the true crime subject matter, even though they're not typically easy books to read.
I think we've already covered a lot of ground, so a few easy questions today.
1. What were your favorite and least favorite parts of each of these books? Would you suggest either to other readers, and if so, why?
2. Do you think you'll ever read another true crime book, ever again?
3. You know that I always have to ask about covers. How did you feel about the covers of these books? (The Horn book has different covers in hardcover and paperback; the paperback cover is the one I've posted before--look below and you'll find it and the Geary cover--and I'll post the hardcover jacket with this post.
I have emailed some of our questions to both of the authors, but it's a hard time to be making a living as a writer (or artist) so I'm not sure either one will have time to answer. Please do check back, though; if they reply I'll post their answers here.