Sleigh bells ring, we can all stop listening.
26 December 2010
So how did that all go? To quote my very wise sister: It's nice to see Christmas come, and it's nice to see Christmas go.
I had a spectacular week. Good driving weather to go see some family, lots of eating, Mr. CR and CRjr both in good moods; these are the salad days. The week before Christmas I got a package with a book in it for me and one for CRjr (a thank-you note is on the way, Santa), and Mr. CR got me a new issue of Lapham's Quarterly, which is a magazine I ALWAYS drool over in the bookstore but can't get myself to buy. (As well as a "Bunny Suicides" desk calendar with cartoons such as the one below; I love it!) At one point he also opined that when he sees a lot of plastic kids' gifts, he mainly wonders how much lead-based paint they contain. This pessimistic pronouncement made me swoon, just a little bit--nothing says romance to me like a shared acceptance of plastic crap being bad for you.
Still working on The Dark Is Rising, and loving every minute of it. Here's hoping you all received lots of book gifts, and have new things to read this week!