The Great Citizen Reader Survey of 2011: The Questions
The cool customer strikes again.

I'm thankful for so many great readers!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend, and here's hoping your holiday season is not nuts. When it starts to be, sit down and have some eggnog. Yummmm eggnog.

I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone (heartily) who has already participated in the Great Citizen Reader Survey of 2011. It's been very enlightening and I can't wait to share the results when I get them tabulated (although I can't promise when that will be--I still have to figure out Excel). For now, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be leaving the questions up until December 30; you can answer them by clicking on the link in the top of the sidebar at right, or by clicking here:

The Great Citizen Reader Survey of 2011

Please do remember to send the link on to at least one other person; the more replies we get, the more interesting the results will be. Also, sometime in the new year, I'll be asking YOU what questions we should ask on next year's survey, so get your thinking caps on.*

And, because you are the best blog readers and survey answerers anywhere: thank you!!

*I've always wanted a reason to use this phrase. Awesome.
