Book reviews that actually make me want to read.
Now reading everything I can get my hands on EXCEPT nonfiction.

A nonfiction list to peruse.

If you're looking for a list of new spring nonfiction titles to consider, you might do worse than the "15 Promising Nonfiction Books for Spring" one they have posted over at the Christian Science Monitor.* I hate the way you have to click through the list page by page, incidentally (come on, CSM, you can't add a "view on one page" button?), but at least there's only fifteen titles to click through.

It's a bit heavy on the serious history titles for my taste, but there's more than a few noteworthy items there. In particular I'd like to draw your attention to George Packer's The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America. Packer's the author of another fabulous book, The Assassins' Gate: America in Iraq, that I still remember as being one of the best things I've ever read on Iraq, so I'll definitely be looking into this one.

What do you think? Anything on the list pique your interest?

*Incidentally, I subscribe to the CSM in my Google Reader (for now--fuck you, Google, for taking your Reader service down soon--I hope Google+ fails in a big way even as you try to force everyone onto it), and I always get a lot of interesting headlines and news there, including, weirdly enough, a great assortment of recipes.
