Reading, check. Writing? Not so much.
02 December 2013
I know, it is shameful the way I am neglecting this blog. A new baby, even a stellar one, will do that to you. Particularly when his three-year-old brother CRjr, while being an otherwise charming boy, still needs to nap but WILL NOT NAP. After three p.m. this house devolves into a round-robin of tears and declarations of "I don't wanna!" I've found lately that it's more effective to stand in the corner myself than to send the three-year-old there; at least that way I can lean my forehead against the wall and nap standing up for two minutes.
But all of that is neither here nor there. The point is I HAVE been reading, and I want to tell you all about it, but now I just have to find time for the part where I write about the reading. In the meantime I have also been considering how to make this blog better in the new year, and I'd very much like your input on that. What would you like to read here? More of the same--nonfiction reviews, but perhaps on some types of nonfiction that I don't usually write about as much (history, science, etc.)? More lists? More book discussions? Author interviews? Let me know what you think.
And in the meantime, today is Cyber Monday. If by any chance you will be shopping at Amazon or Powell's Books, would you consider doing so through my associate links in the sidebar? Thank you so much. Many of you have already been doing so, and I am so, so grateful. Even though you wouldn't know it from my posting laziness. But as of now, the 2014 plan is to make it up to you. Further bulletins as events warrant!