How-to nonfiction.
21 February 2014
I tend not to blog a lot about informational or how-to nonfiction. This is not because I don't read it, but rather because I feel that any nonfiction you find because you're primarily interested in the subject is, well, usually pretty easy to find by subject. Like anything else, this rule is subject to exceptions. I actually love getting recommendations for things like cookbooks, health books, etc., simply because there are SO MANY of them.
One of the reasons I didn't post as much this week, as a matter of fact, was because it never felt like I got enough time to read or even peruse the informational books I had going, much less the other nonfiction (and I had even less time to blog about it)! So what am I trying to learn about this month? Here's the books I've got around with bookmarks stuck in various places:
Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Dummies, Meri Raffetto
Best Food for Your Baby & Toddler, Jeannette L. Bessinger
Raising a Son, Don Elium and Jeanne Elium
Do It! Marketing: 77 Instant-Action Ideas to Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and Crush Your Competition, by David Newman
Power Hungry: The Ultimate Energy Bar Cookbook, by Camilla Saulsbury
To some extent my informational reading always reflects topics I am better at reading about than actually doing. (Just the way I used to read dating manuals because I had no idea how to get a date or go on dates.) Soon it's about the time of the year for me to check out a bunch of gardening books even though I really have no intention of gardening.
How about you. "Read" any good cookbooks lately, or learn anything particularly helpful from a nonfiction book?