New Nonfiction (with commentary): 24 August 2015
24 August 2015
A new series, published each Monday, sharing a selected list of new nonfiction titles to be published during the week. List originally published at The Reader's Advisor Online. Text in bold is commentary.
Brown, Brené – Rising Strong - [Self-help: "Rising strong after a fall is how we cultivate wholeheartedness. It’s the process, Brown writes, that teaches us the most about who we are." 200,000 first printing.]
Daugherty, Tracy – Last Love Song: A Biography of Joan Didion - [Oh,my God, Joan Didion. I MUST HAVE IT. 50,000 first printing.]
Gaul, Gilbert M. – Billion-Dollar Ball: A Journey Through the Big-Money Culture of College Football [I just don't have the heart for this one. Been doing too much reading like this.]
Grandin, Greg – Kissinger’s Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman – [I should read this one, I don't know anything about Kissinger, but I probably wont. 60,000 first printing.]
Johnson, Beverly – The Face That Changed It All: A Memoir – [Memoir from the "the first black supermodel to grace the cover of Vogue." 75,000 first printing.]
Klobuchar, Amy – The Senator Next Door: A Memoir from the Heartland – [Political memoir from a Minnesota senator. 60,000 first printing.]
Markoff, John – Machines of Loving Grace: The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots – [Actually, I heard this guy on the radio and he was kind of interesting. Might be worth checking out. 50,000 first printing.]
Shaheen, Stefany – Elle & Coach: Diabetes, the Fight for My Daughter’s Life, and the Dog Who Changed Everything [As a non-dog person, this title will not be for me.]
Silberman, Steve – Neuro Tribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity [Books on any and every aspect of neurology continue to be hot.]
Vine, David - Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World (American Empire Project) – [The American Empire Project is, in my non-political-party-affiliation, non-voting opinion, the best current affairs series running. Go look at some of the titles in this series. I will get this one eventually. 35,000 first printing.]
So. What do you think? Anything look good there?