Citizen Reading: 21 August 2016
22 August 2016
A weekly selection of reading and book news, sometimes with completely inappropriate commentary.
Wired magazine is getting on on the book club action.
Review of Amy Schumer's new memoir. Amy Schumer's taking some flak right now for comments made by one of the male writers on her show; should be interesting to see if that impacts her book sales.
The Daily Show book bump is back!
A new hot book already has a correspondingly hot movie trailer: Hidden Figures: The American Dream an Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race.
Why "book clubs matter" in the age of the tablet.
Against borrowing books. I enjoyed this article immensely. Particularly the bit where he talks about avoiding people who have lent him books because he hasn't read the books yet--meaning he knows he values his own reading freedom over the relationship. Good stuff.
Barnes and Noble has released a new Nook.
Long story short: the online news site Gawker went broke, got bought by Univision, and will now be shutting down. (Officially making this the Summer of Lost Websites.) I don't know all the particulars, but this article provides a good entry point to the story, which is kind of a big one. What really got me was learning that Gawker only had 11-12 full-time employees. Jesus. No wonder it's hard to find a job in this brave new world.
7 things that are ruining amateur book reviews.
Eight of the worst (and best) book-to-film adaptations.
The merits of reading "real books" to your children. I love this article so much I want to marry it and have its tiny little human-blog article babies.
Bookstore sales: are up.
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan series will be adapted by Amazon. (Also: Netflix is doing an adaptation of the YA thriller 13 Minutes)
Harry Potter isn't over yet! (Funny, considering J.K. Rowling just said that it was.)
Will Ferrell's newest role: Sherlock Holmes?
New science book that looks like it could be good; I have to speak to my microbes about getting healthier so I feel better.
The "Oscars of Romance": Interesting to hear about the romance RITA awards, and also to have someone review the finalists and winners featuring diverse characters.
World War I reading: Hugh Sebag-Montefiore's Somme: Into the Breach. Let's hear it for a WWI book for a change; WWII typically gets all the publishing love.
Infographic: Lengthy Young Adult series.
Like the New York Times? Love thrillers? Here you go.
Becky at RA for All sends out a call for action: Serving senior readers.
2016 Hugo Awards. This doubles as your Obligatory Neil Gaiman Post this week. There he is, as a winner under "Best Graphic Story."